Category: Hydrogen Technology and Fuel Cell > Hydrogen Storage > H2 Storage for Fuel Cell >
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10 Liter Hydrogen Storage
Especially designed for small size fuel cells, fuel cells in toys, etc.

With the latest achievements in solid metal hydride technology of AB5-type alloys and unique techniques of alloy loading the HB-SC-0010-Q is one the most advanced hydrogen storage system. The HB-SC-0010-Q can safely store hydrogen in the solid state and release it steadily at ambient temperature without additional energy source - an important issue for fuel cell application. The enhanced discharge gas flow rates of the HB-SC-0010-Q makes it a highly competitive gas supply source for various PEM fuel cells (up to 5 W).



100 Liter Hydrogen Storage
For middle size fuel cell applications
For fuel cells in special instruments

With the latest achievements in solid metal hydride technology of AB5-type alloys and unique techniques of alloy loading the HB-SC-0100-Q is one the most advanced hydrogen storage system. The HB-SC-0100-Q can safely store hydrogen in the solid state and release it steadily at ambient temperature without additional energy source - an important issue for fuel cell application. The enhanced discharge gas flow rates of the HB-SC-0100-Q makes it a highly competitive gas supply source for large variety of PEM fuel cells (from 20 W up to 100 W).



660 Liter Hydrogen Storage
For stationary fuel cells
For fuel cells in electric motorcycles or electric bicycles

With the latest achievements in solid metal hydride technology of AB5-type alloys and unique techniques of alloy loading the HB-SC-0660-N is one the most advanced hydrogen storage system. The HB-SC-0660-N can safely store hydrogen in the solid state and release it steadily at ambient temperature without additional energy source - an important issue for fuel cell application. The enhanced discharge gas flow rates of the HB-SC-0660-N makes it a highly competitive gas supply source for large variety of PEM fuel cells (from 100 W up to 400 W).



500 Liter Hydrogen Storage
Mini-hydrogen station for use in labs
Able to power up to 100W PEM fuel cells

With the latest achievements in solid metal hydride technology of AB5-type alloys and unique techniques of alloy loading the HB-FR07-0500-B is one the most advanced hydrogen storage system. The HB-FR07-0500-B can safely store hydrogen in the solid state and release it steadily at ambient temperature without additional energy source - an important issue for fuel cell application. The enhanced discharge gas flow rates of the HB-FR07-0500-B makes it a highly competitive gas supply source for large variety of PEM fuel cells (up to 150 W).


HB-SS 3300

3300 Liter Hydrogen Storage
For fuel cells in backup power units
For fuel cells in small hybrid or hydrogen cars.

With the latest achievements in solid metal hydride technology of AB5-type alloys and unique techniques of alloy loading the HB-SS3300 is one the most advanced hydrogen storage system. The HB-SS3300 can safely store hydrogen in the solid state and release it steadily at ambient temperature without additional energy source - an important issue for fuel cell application. The enhanced discharge gas flow rates of the HB-SS3300 makes it a highly competitive gas supply source for large variety of PEM fuel cells (from 500 W up to 1 KW).


HB-SS 16500

16500 Liter Hydrogen Storage
For backup power FC systems
For fuel cells in yachts or other large vehicles

With the latest achievements in solid metal hydride technology of AB5-type alloys and unique techniques of alloy loading the HB-SS16500 is one the most advanced hydrogen storage system. The HB-SS16500 can safely store hydrogen in the solid state and release it steadily at ambient temperature without additional energy source - an important issue for fuel cell application. The enhanced discharge gas flow rates of the HB-SS16500 makes it a highly competitive gas supply source for large variety of PEM fuel cells (up to 5 KW).

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